River is a contemporary artist who followed his own unique creative path.
From the Studio 2017
River has always had a youthful appearance.
At the time this picture was taken, he was 72
Brief Biography
River was born in Washington D.C. 1944. The family soon moved to Greece. where they lived in a suburb of Athens. Drawing and simple watercolors articulated his imagination. Demonstrating talent and originality he was encouraged to develop drawing skills. In the early 1950's his art remained a private world. The family relocated numerous times. Drawings of new places seemed to help orient and establish a sense of permanence. In the late 1950's and early 60's the art seemed to take off. Art as "The Work" seemed to become a regular exercise. Life classes and painting assignments became regular. Sometimes he would invite friends over for painting sessions. Experimentation with block printing introduced the counterpoint of matrix and original hand.
Following his formal education he lived and worked in Europe and the U.S.A. This produced art and showing in the United States, England, France, Switzerland, and Greece. His art works include both representational and abstract paintings. River continues to be interested in primitive culture and stories about art in creational myth. A sociological awareness was fostered by his many travels. A sense of "Place" as expression of identity continues to influence his art.
The brief biography above is from River's visual art website as of 2017. It does not include the massive creative activities which are the bulk of his actual life.
Save The Art
River has experienced the loss of art as a result of;
Fire, Flood, Building Collaps, and Mis-directed Shipping.
Some of the art which vanished have
surviving images.
In addition to experiencing the the vanishing of his own art, River has seen artists who's death not only ended their life, but all their art and any trace that they had ever existed. This badly distorts "The History of Us". As an archivist in several instances the only record of an artists existence are the interviews River created. So River is motivated to "Save The Art."
The Biography Project
We are collecting documentation on the life and art of River.
If you have information, pictures, stories, please share them with us.
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            ~ I knew him, when?
            ~ I knew him, where?
            ~ Stories
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