Tom Scippa
Born in Bridgeport 1943, Tom Scippa attended the Art students League, taught by Edwin Dickenson. He then attended Silvermine College of Art and Yale University where he obtained his Master's Degree in Fine Arts
Tom P. Scippa
1943 - 2020
Database Art Display
Movie Interview
"I've been working in foundries on pieces in bronze, clay, and wood. My models are people from a bygone era. I am attracted to the way that they held themselves and dressed. For the last 10 years, I found paper a suitable medium for my bas-reliefs."
- Tom
On January 23, 2021 with the help of my sister Fredi and friend Gus Moran, we visited Tom's home. His niece Wendy Scippa made arrangements for us to do the photo and database log. We documented 93 works of art. This was by no means everything, but enough to show that Tom was a profound artist in his extensive esthetic discovery. The quiet nature of his voice becomes powerful as evidenced by persistent statements of modest individuality.
- River

Tom Scippa's house in Fairfield CT.

We used a black background draped on the couch to shoot the smaller sculpture.

Small works everywhere.

Gus bringing next work to shoot.

Glen & Gus setting up the next shoot.